COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know Thursday – CBC

Quebec officially enters 6th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, says public health institute

Mar 31, 2022

The province’s public health institute (INSPQ) has officially confirmed what many have been suspecting for weeks: Quebec is in its sixth wave of the pandemic.

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have been rising since mid-March, and health officials believe they’ll ramp up in the days ahead.

Gaston Des Serres, an epidemiologist at the INSPQ, says it’s unlikely the province will experience the same COVID situation it encountered in December and January, although the severity of the wave will depend largely on the number of contacts the population has in the next few weeks.

Even if there are no official public health measures to reduce contacts, there clearly is a need for the population to minimize the number of contacts if the province hopes to get through this wave with a limited number of patients admitted to the hospital, he said.

Confirmation of this sixth wave comes as Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé kicks off consultations today on his bill to put an end to the health emergency.

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