‘Contrarian’ doctor a good choice to lead COVID-19 data review, Alberta premier says – CBC

Dr. Gary Davidson, who accused province of exaggerating COVID-19’s impact on hospitals, to lead data review

Apr 23, 2024

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says it’s a good idea to have a physician who accused the province of exaggerating COVID-19’s impact on hospitals now lead a review of pandemic-era health data.

Smith says Dr. Gary Davidson was selected to lead the data review because she wants to hear a range of viewpoints, including from those “shouted down in the public sphere.”

“I needed somebody who was going to look at everything that happened with some fresh eyes and maybe with a little bit of a contrarian perspective because we’ve only ever been given one perspective,” Smith told reporters at the legislature Tuesday.

“I left it to [Davidson] to assemble the panel with the guidance that I would like to have a broad range of perspectives.”

The work of the task force is nearly complete but few details have been publicized since it was struck in 2022.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/gary-davidson-leads-alberta-covid-review-health-data-1.7182891

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