Confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of October 27 Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
Press Release
On First Nations reserves, as of October 27 Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is aware of:
- 46,564 confirmed positive COVID-19
- 1,562 active cases
- 2,168 hospitalizations
- 44,515 recovered cases
- 487 deaths
Case numbers per region:
- British Columbia 5,297
- Alberta: 13,461
- Saskatchewan: 13,019
- Manitoba: 10,266
- Ontario: 3,397
- Quebec: 1,029
- Atlantic: 95
Provincial chief public health officers work with ISC’s regional medical officers and nurses to provide medical support as needed when a positive case is reported.
As of October 26:
- the rate of reported active cases of COVID-19 in First Nations people living on-reserve was going down since mid-January 2021 and reached its lowest point during the first week of August at 84.2 cases per 100,000. Since then, it started to rise again and is currently 365.9 per 100,000 or 5.4 times the respective rate in the general Canadian population
- the COVID-19 case fatality rate among First Nations people living on a reserve is 59% of the case fatality rate in the general Canadian population
- 95% of First Nations people living on a reserve who tested positive for COVID-19 have recovered
For more details on case numbers in First Nations communities, visit:
For the total number of confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 across Canada, visit:
For the case notification process: