Community Wide Screening for Tuberculosis in Qikiqtarjuaq

February 02, 2018

The Department of Health advises residents of Qikiqtarjuaq that a community-wide screening clinic for tuberculosis (TB) will take place to reduce the rising number of active cases in the community. Community participation is encouraged to help eliminate TB and ensure proper treatment is accessible for all community members.

The screening will start on February 5, 2018 at the Qikiqtarjuaq community hall. Community members will be contacted by household, to come for screening that includes a questionnaire, skin test, chest X-ray and possible blood work.

The Qikiqtarjuaq Health Centre is well prepared and has additional, dedicated staff to facilitate this TB screening clinic. People with symptoms of TB are encouraged to be checked before they travel, to avoid the possibility of spreading the disease, however the risk is low. Nunavummiut should feel safe traveling within Nunavut.

There will be additional information about screening over the coming weeks on the Qikiqtarjuaq community radio, and residents are encouraged to listen, or contact the health centre directly. For more information on TB and screening, please read the Tuberculosis Factsheet and the Tuberculin Skin Test Brochure.


Media Contact:

Ron Wassink Communications
Specialist Department of Health
(867) 975-5710


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