Jun 17, 2024
Cyril shares his story of overcoming health complications by prioritizing his active wellness journey
My physical wellness journey began with a health scare. A month into the pandemic, I landed in the hospital with high blood sugar at a level of 52. I could not walk, and was incoherent. I felt like I was drunk, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I was given a catheter and the doctor told me if I had not come into the hospital when I did, I would have gone into a diabetic coma.
When I woke up, I was quite angry at first because I wasn’t allowed to eat for two days, but could smell the breakfasts of the other patients around me – eggs, bacon and toast.Then, when I finally got my breakfast, it was just toast, oatmeal, yogurt, tea and milk. However, I reminded myself that I am in the hospital because of my eating habits and not prioritizing my health and wellness. Due to the stress I was experiencing with work and the impact it had on my mental health and wellness, I’d turned to emotional eating.I would wake up in the morning and have a Coca-Cola. For lunch and dinner, I would eat KFC, A&W, Lee’s chicken / pizza, and frappuccinos and other processed, high-sugar foods and drinks. I was addicted to sugar.