Closure Of Health Council Erodes Federal Leadership Role In Health


OTTAWA, April 18, 2013 – The Health Action Lobby (HEAL) is very concerned by the federal government’s recent decision to withdraw funding for the Health Council of Canada.

“This decision is a signal to Canadians that the future of health and health care is not a priority. Nothing could be further from the truth. Public opinion polls consistently rank the future of health care in Canada as one of the most important public policy priorities,” said Mr. Glenn Brimacombe, HEAL Co-Chair. “What message is the federal government sending to Canadians about its commitment and role when it comes to health?”

The Health Council was originally created to monitor progress related to the 2003/2004 Health Accords. The role of the Council evolved to bring together representatives of the provinces and territories, the federal government and the public to share perspectives, lessons learned and leading practices to accelerate the pace of health innovation across Canada, improve access to quality health services, and monitor overall health system performance.

“The federal government’s leadership role when it comes to health is twofold – leading by example in its areas of authority and facilitating collaboration among the provinces and territories”, said Dr. Karen Cohen HEAL Co-Chair. “HEAL has long supported the key role of the federal government when it comes to the health of Canadians. Dismantling the Health Council of Canada does not enhance pan-Canadian collaboration.”

HEAL urges the federal government to reconsider its decision.

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HEAL is a coalition of 40 national health and consumer associations and organizations dedicated to protecting and strengthening Canada’s health system. It represents more than half a million providers and consumers of health care. HEAL was formed in 1991 out of concern over the erosion of the federal government’s role in supporting a national health care system. For more information, please visit our web-site at

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Media Contact:

Mr. Glenn Brimacombe, Co-Chair, HEAL Dr. Karen Cohen, Co-Chair, HEAL
(President & CEO, ACAHO) (CEO, Canadian Psychological Association)
Telephone: (613) 730-5818, Extension 323 Telephone: (613) 237-2144, Extension 344
Cell Phone: (613) 866-3613 Cell Phone: (613) 799-0532
Fax: (613) 730-4314 Fax: (613) 237-1674
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HEAL Members
Alzheimer Society of Canada
Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
Canadian AIDS Society
Canadian Association of Community Health Centres
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
Canadian Association of Midwives
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
Canadian Association of Optometrists
Canadian Association of Physician Assistants
Canadian Association of Radiologists
Canadian Association of Social Workers
Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists & Audiologists
Canadian Chiropractic Association
Canadian College of Health Leaders
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
Canadian Dental Association
Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
Canadian Dermatology Association
Canadian Healthcare Association
Canadian Home Care Association
Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association
Canadian Medical Association
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Nurses Association
Canadian Orthopaedic Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Canadian Podiatric Medical Association
Canadian Psychological Association
Canadian Psychiatric Association
Canadian Public Health Association
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
Canadian Society of Nutrition Management
Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists
Catholic Health Alliance of Canada
College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dietitians of Canada
Paramedic Association of Canada
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

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