Citizens are invited to attend a public meeting to learn about Greater Sudbury’s most recent number of homeless individuals and available support services on Friday, November 13, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre. The meeting room is wheelchair accessible and free parking is available at the nearby corner of Elm and Pine Streets in Sudbury.
The meeting is intended to inform the public about the results of the homelessness count and some new programs that are in place to provide support to persons experiencing homelessness.
Presenters include Dr Carol Kauppi, Director of the Center for Research in Social Justice and Policy at Laurentian University, Lianne Bergeron, Coordinator of Sudbury’s Homelessness Network, Major Karen Hoeft of the Salvation Army, Darren McGregor, Aboriginal Homelessness and Housing Support Worker with the N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre, and Tina Ranta, Manager of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Harm Reduction Home Day Program.
For more information about this public meeting, please contact Gail Spencer, Coordinator of Shelters and Homelessness at the City of Greater Sudbury, 705-674-4455, extension 3805.