Press Release
Mental Health and Substance Use Responses to COVID-19
The Government of Canada would like to provide information on two anticipated competitions to continue to mobilize high quality science to fight COVID-19, and to mitigate the downstream impacts of public health countermeasures. These competitions will focus on building and synthesizing the evidence base to address gaps in the mental health and substance use response to COVID-19, and identify relevant interventions. We are providing preliminary information at this time to allow the research community to prepare and respond to expedited processes.
CIHR is providing a linkage tool that is intended to facilitate connections and collaborations (domestically and internationally) should there be interest. This is not a mandatory tool. Information is provided on a volunteer basis and does not confer any advantages in the evaluation and funding of applications. Please note that potential applicants are not required to use the linkage tool or contact those who have submitted their information.
If you would like to use this tool, please complete a short form. The information you provide will appear on a public CIHR web page.
Expected research focus areas
Funding will be provided through multiple competitions designed to address COVID-19 mental health and substance use responses, focusing on:
Requests for applications
Knowledge Synthesis Grants (up to $50K per grant): Funding to support rapid knowledge synthesis and related knowledge mobilization of current needs in mental health and substance use in the COVID-19 context. This could include, for example, examination of the impact in at-risk populations, development of guidelines, and evidence related to effectiveness of services or implementation of interventions. Knowledge syntheses can draw on a wide range of evidence, including from other public health emergency or disaster response contexts, to be assessed for transferability to COVID-19. Applicants are strongly encouraged to engage knowledge users throughout their activities. Knowledge mobilization plans should describe the application of this knowledge under current contexts (e.g., ensuring alignment with the potential needs of decision makers and other knowledge users). Knowledge syntheses and knowledge mobilization plans are expected to be completed within one month of funding. Successful grantees will have the opportunity to continue to update their knowledge syntheses over the course of the grant (6 months from the funding start date).
Operating Grants (under development): Funding to support implementation science and population-level intervention research to address the impacts of COVID-19 and containment measures on mental health and substance use. The operating grants are expected to be launched within a month after the launch of the knowledge synthesis grants. Application to the knowledge synthesis grants competition will not affect an applicant’s eligibility to apply to the operating grant program.
For research projects involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples: Appropriate consideration of TCPS 2: Chapter 9 – Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada, and demonstration of meaningful and culturally safe practices, plans and activities throughout the research project must be demonstrated.
Preliminary application details – Knowledge Synthesis Grants
Preliminary application details are being provided for the knowledge synthesis grants at this time:
Expected key dates for Knowledge Synthesis Grants
Please consult this page for all COVID-19 information related to CIHR.