Children’s Aid Society Under Scrutiny After Tragic House Fire

December 21, 2016

(Oneida Nation of the Thames, ON) The Children’s Aid Society of London & Middlesex (CAS) is under scrutiny after a representative gave false information to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Elected Chief Randall Phillips of the Oneida Nation of the Thames expressed his frustration with CAS for their latest indiscretion.

“There’s absolutely no excuse for the level of incompetency and insensitivity by the Children’s Aid Society and its representatives during a time of extreme tragedy and sorrow.” Phillips said.

“They lied to the OPP. I think the surviving family members deserve a public apology from Children’s Aid and someone in their organization should be fired immediately.”

On Wednesday December 14th firefighters arrived on the scene at Oneida Nation but the damage had already been done as a house fire claimed the lives of four young children and one adult.

“I was told by the OPP that the Children’s Aid Society of London & Middlesex had acquired permission and direction to proceed with an investigation, which was a blatant lie.” Chief Phillips went on to say that this was not the first time the Children’s Aid Society overstepped its authority on Oneida Families. “That agency has a history of wrong doings with Oneida families and our Nation’s representatives, you’d think they’d learn to show some professionalism and empathy by now. Their legacy with undermining Oneida Nation is well documented. I consider their actions to be criminal and inhumane in the worst of circumstances.”

The Children’s Aid Society has been under scrutiny for their policies and approach with First Nations since the 1960s when they began taking First Nation children from their families without proper authority or process.

There have been several lawsuits filed against the Children’s Aid Society over the years and they have been under heavy criticism for discrimination against First Nations families and children.

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For more information please contact:

Chief Randall Phillips
Oneida Nation of the Thames
(519) 652-6161 >

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