May 11, 2020
The Chiefs of Ontario (COO) is urging First Nations across the province to keep communities closed as officials expect a spike in COVID-19 cases over the weekend and the rest of May.
The COO, which represents 133 First Nations in Ontario, says higher rates of testing is showing more positive tests for the virus that has ravished parts of the province – especially in long term care facilities.
“These spikes will happen Mother’s Day and they will again happen on the long weekend, the May long weekend,” said Assembly of First Nations Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald. “Two weeks after that you’ll see another spike in cases increasing in Ontario.”
As of this posting, there are 40 confirmed cases on-reserve and 75 known positive cases among First Nations people in the province according to the COO.
Last week, First Nations saw a 91 per cent increase in positive cases and 23 per cent this week.