Canada needs a “Health in All Policies” action plan now – CMAJ


  • “Health in All Policies” (HiAP) is an approach that systematically considers the health and social implications of policies contemplated by all sectors of government — aiming for synergistic benefits and to minimize social and health-related harms.

  • Health in All Policies is a critical policy lever, because many of the drivers for health outcomes are beyond the reach of the health sector — and because initiatives that increase health and health equity often pay for themselves through better productivity and higher tax revenues.

  • Noncommunicable chronic diseases, mental health issues and the health inequities faced by Indigenous Peoples in Canada exemplify key challenges for Canadians that could be successfully addressed by the HiAP approach.

  • Although there are substantial challenges to be overcome, including political will and data inadequacies, a pan-Canadian action plan on HiAP would help to promote health and health equity for Canadians.

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