The spread of COVID-19 (or the “coronavirus”) has caused major disruptions across Canada, and we are only beginning to understand the ripple effect the virus will have on our organizations and economies. For First Nations, Métis and Inuit organizations, the impacts will be far-reaching, and many of those impacts will be different than those experienced in settler communities.
Ironically, the same diversity that lends such vibrance to Canada’s Indigenous community will also be responsible for creating many complex legal problems, none of which will have a one-size-fits-all legal solution.
MLT Aikins is committed to assisting our Indigenous clients in navigating the challenges to come. To that end, we have compiled a series of resources meant to outline the kinds of legal issues Indigenous governments, organizations, businesses and individuals can expect to face in the wake of COVID-19. We are making every effort to identify and offer commentary relevant to Indigenous perspectives, as well as general business perspectives.
This blog post will be updated regularly in the coming days and weeks. The directory below contains COVID-19-related material, compiled to help you better understand and address the specific issues you, your governments, organizations and businesses may be facing. Below that, we will provide a high-level outline of the key issues. Going forward, you can expect this page to be updated regularly with content tailored to Indigenous governments, organizations, businesses and individuals.