Canada and the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations working together to reform child and family services for First Nations in Saskatchewan

The well-being of Indigenous children and families is a priority for the Government of Canada. We are taking action and working with partners to help ensure that children receive the health and social services they need, when they need it.

Today, Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, on behalf of the Government of Canada, and Bobby Cameron, Chief of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN), signed a Letter of Accord confirming their partnership to reform child and family services for First Nations in Saskatchewan. Canada is providing $441,176 to FSIN to begin its work with communities.

FSIN represents First Nations in Saskatchewan, and through this funding will facilitate engagement and consensus-building in matters affecting child and family services for First Nations in the province. Their findings will contribute greatly to long-term strategic planning and the redesign of how child and family services are delivered to First Nations.


“By working with – and listening to – those who are directly impacted by these policies, we are able to transform the child welfare system so that it puts the needs of families and youth first. The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations’ leadership on this project, and collaboration with First Nations in Saskatchewan will lead to real improvements on how child and family services are being provided in their communities. This is foundational to reconciliation and to ensuring First Nation children grow up stronger, more resilient, and connected to their language and culture.”

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs

“On behalf of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, I thank Vice Chief Heather Bear, the Health and Social Development Commission, Chiefs Political Task Force on Child Welfare and Chiefs of Saskatchewan for their commitment to First Nation Child Welfare. The need for governance for First Nation Child and Family Services in Saskatchewan is an important and urgent matter. This funding is the beginning of a process of long term strategic planning and redesign of First Nation Child and Family Services that will assist children and families. This will be a community and land based model of governance that is based on Treaty and Inherent rights. This comprehensive community engagement process will address First Nations Child and Family Services needs in this province.”

Bobby Cameron
Chief, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations

Quick Facts

  • The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations represents  First Nations in Saskatchewan and is committed to honouring the spirit and intent of the treaties.
  • Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada provides funding to more than 100 First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Agencies to deliver child and family services on reserve. Planned spending for the FNCFS Program for 2017-2018 is $788.9 million.

Associated Links


Sabrina Williams
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Carolyn Bennett

Rory MacLean
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations

INAC Media Relations
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada


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