‘Can the triage process be better?’: Halifax study looks at ways to diagnose, treat skin cancers faster – CTV

June 11, 2024

A dermatologist in Halifax is looking at new ways to better diagnose skin cancers and have them treated at an earlier stage.

According to Dr. Richard Langley, the Maritimes has the highest rates of certain types of skin cancer in the country.

He says Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island in particular have the highest rates of melanoma – a type of cancer that starts in the melanocytes, which are cells that make the pigment that gives skin its colour.

“So we see this, we see it also increasing overtime, and it’s occurring in young people. So, it’s something that we’re definitely aware of,” said Langley, during an interview with CTV Atlantic’s Todd Battis.

As far as why the rates are higher in the Maritimes, Langley points to several potential reasons.

“It hasn’t been really well studied but some of the key risk factors for skin cancer are going to be people who burn easily, they have lighter skin pigmentation. Certainly historically, there’s been a lot of Scottish, Irish and English immigrants here pre-disposed to it,” he said.

Read more: https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/can-the-triage-process-be-better-halifax-study-looks-at-ways-to-diagnose-treat-skin-cancers-faster-1.6921328

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