Can ‘the pill’ affect mood? Why some women are ditching their birth control – GLOBAL

August 25, 2023

Shortly after Catherine Girard began taking oral contraceptives, she felt like there was a “grey cloud” hanging over her head.

At 17-years-old, Girard was prescribed birth control pills – commonly called “the pill” – as a means of contraception. Her doctor recommended the popular brand, Alesse, which like other forms of hormonal birth control, is often marketed as a do-it-all lifestyle drug for young women. Not only would the pill help to prevent pregnancy, but it might also clear up acne, quell painful menstrual symptoms and reduce risks of osteoporosis.

Without question, Girard was sold. She took the medication continuously for five years.

But while taking the medication, Girard, who is now 25, says she felt like she was “crazy.” She experienced bouts of sadness, irritability and “dark thoughts” on a daily basis.

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