Calls for increased investment for homeless Indigenous people – Anishinabek News

April 30, 2021

LONDON– Following a fire at the Indigenous Medicine and Teaching Garden (Mushkeeki Gitigan) in east London’s South Branch park on April 29, 2021, Atlohsa Family Healing Services is calling for an immediate investment into Indigenous-led spaces for people experiencing homelessness. The Indigenous Medicine and Teaching Garden was an Indigenous-led initiative first opened in 2018 where traditional medicines were grown. A homeless encampment that was established in the garden was also burned in the blaze that took place.

Mushkeeki Gitigan is one of the few Indigenous-led spaces in London. In alignment with the Giwetashkad Indigenous Homelessness Strategic Plan (2020), Atlohsa has been continuously advocating for increased spaces for Indigenous people experiencing homelessness, as Indigenous people make up at least 29% of people experiencing homelessness in London. Atlohsa Family Healing Services currently operates nine extended stay beds for Indigenous people experiencing homelessness, but this response is not enough.

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