Caldwell First Nation shares housing concerns after deadly Oneida fire – CBC

Dec 19, 2016

Chief calls housing on reserves ‘horrible, sad and awful sub-standard.’

The Caldwell First Nation is sharing concerns about what’s being called a crisis in housing on reserves after a fire killed five family members near London, Ont. last week.

Louise Hillier is the chief of the First Nation which is trying to establish its first reserve in Leamington. She’s concerned the government won’t provide the nation with enough funding to build things safely.

“Without the proper resources to construct those homes that are so desperately needed, people are going to be getting something constructed that’s not up to code,” Hillier explained. “So do you build half a house and let it stand there until you can come up with enough funds to complete it, or do you do the best that you can to put a roof over someone’s head that has no roof?”

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