BR Tuberculosis Inuit – CP

Source: The Canadian Press – Broadcast wire
Oct 6, 2017 

OTTAWA – The president of Canada’s national Inuit organization (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami) says the development of a joint federal-Inuit task force aimed at eliminating tuberculosis among Canada’s Inuit population is a monumental step forward.

Natan Obed says this is the first time the federal government has ever pledged to work together with Inuit on a path towards the elimination of the disease.

In 2015, the rate of T-B among Inuit people was 270 times higher than the Canadian-born, non-Indigenous population.

Obed says the task force will help ensure Inuit organizations and governments are on the same page with service delivery efforts in Inuit Nunangat — the Inuit homeland.

(The Canadian Press)


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