Source: The Canadian Press – Broadcast wire
Nov 22, 2016
OTTAWA – The National Aboriginal Economic Development Board says Canada’s G-D-P would get an annual boost of 27.7 billion dollars if barriers were removed to ensure indigenous people can participate in the economy.
The group’s latest report being released today says equal economic opportunity for indigenous peoples would help Canada address ongoing economic challenges caused by low productivity and demographic pressure from an aging population.
It also notes the productivity of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples would match that of their non-indigenous counterparts if they received the same level of education and training.
The report says an additional 8.5 billion dollars in income could be earned every year by the indigenous workforce if education and training gaps are closed.
For example, it suggests B-C could stand to benefit to the tune of 1.4 billion a year in additional income earned by more than 125-thousand workers, while Ontario could bring in an additional two billion dollars through more than 169-thousand workers.
(The Canadian Press)