BR Doctors Health Accord – CP

Source: The Canadian Press – Broadcast wire
Aug 22, 2016 2:30

VANCOUVER – The president of the Canadian Medical Association says the renegotiation of the country’s health-care funding agreement is an opportunity to change patients’ lives.

Doctor Cindy Forbes says the group is optimistic about a new health accord, but adds that it’s important to have debate in order to make sure funding is adequate.

She says the federal government must make sure health-care professionals have the resources they need to care for Canada’s aging population.

The last health accord expired in 2014 and, after refusing to renegotiate it, the previous Conservative government declared that the annual six per cent increase in social program funding to the provinces, which are responsible for providing health care, would end in 2017.

The Liberals promised in their election platform to restart negotiations, but the details have yet to be determined.

Forbes says the C-M-A has developed a number of recommendations they’d like to see in the new accord, including more money for provinces with larger populations of seniors, coverage of prescription drugs, and funding for long-term care, home care and caregivers.

(The Canadian Press)


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