Biden talks with Trudeau about sending more COVID-19 vaccine doses to Canada – CBC

The U.S., increasingly stocked with supply, could soon export more doses

Apr 21, 2021

Canada could be getting another batch of vaccines from the United States, President Joe Biden indicated Wednesday, as his country’s vaccination process gallops ahead.

The U.S. has already loosened its tight controls on vaccine supply and allowed 1.5 million doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine to be shipped to Canada. Another 2.5 million doses to be shipped to Mexico under a loan agreement.

Biden hinted that more may be coming.

He said he spoke for a half hour by phone Wednesday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and said Canada was one of the countries that could see more imports from the U.S.

“We hope to be of some help and value to countries around the world,” Biden said.

“I’ve talked to our neighbours — a fellow who is working really hard to take care of his country and deal with this; I was on the phone for about half an hour today with the prime minister of Canada. We helped a little bit there. We’re going to try to help some more.”

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