Beyond the Social: Author Interviews – NCCAH

Indigenous peoples in Canada lived healthy lives long before colonization—although as James Makokis points out in a recent video interview with the NCCAH, Western medicine tends to ignore the rich, complex, and effective forms of traditional medicine practiced for eons before the arrival of Europeans. James Makokis, along with his mother Patricia Makokis, is one of ten authors interviewed in these videos featuring some of the voices from the highly-acclaimed book Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada: Beyond the Social, released in August 2015.

In their interview, editors Sarah de Leeuw and Margo Greenwood explain that the goal of this unique publication—the only book of its kind in Canada—was to privilege the deep, complex knowledge of Indigenous scholars, artists, community organizers, Elders, and health providers about the myriad determinants of health that affect their communities. With a significant majority of Indigenous contributors, Indigenous voices and ways of knowing are embodied in the text, providing a unique window into Indigenous knowledge about health from a variety of different perspectives.

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