B.C. to become 1st province to adopt nurse-to-patient ratio – CBC

Setting a nurse-to-patient ratio is ‘the leading international practice,’ says B.C. health minister

Apr 04, 2023

British Columbia will become the first Canadian province to adopt a nurse-to-patient ratio as part of its plan to improve workload standards in public health.

The move is a key plank in the tentative contract reached between the province and the Nurses Bargaining Association last week.

Health Minister Adrian Dix says setting a nurse-to-patient ratio is “the leading international practice” for retaining nurses and delivering quality health care.

Lead negotiator and B.C. Nurses’ Union interim CEO Jim Gould said B.C.’s model will be similar to one used in Australia. It will establish a minimum number of nurses required for a care area.

“For instance, if you’re in ICU and you’re dealing with a ventilated patient, the number that we’ve reached there is one to one, meaning one patient to one nurse, which would provide the highest level of care,” Gould said.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-nurse-to-patient-ratio-1.6801720

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