B.C. offering bonuses of up to $30K to attract, retain nurses – CTV

March 2, 2024

The B.C. government is introducing a series of bonus programs in an effort to recruit new nurses to the province – with the highest incentives going to those willing to work in the north.

Nurses can receive $30,000 for agreeing to work a minimum of two years in northern parts of the province, or $20,000 for serving other rural and remote areas.

Even in major urban centres, nurses applying for vacancies deemed “difficult to fill” or “high need” could receive bonuses as high as $15,000.

The government is also offering $15,000 for nurses willing to commit two years to GoHealth BC, the province’s travel nurse program.

Health Minister Adrian Dix unveiled the incentives at a news conference Friday, while also highlighting some of the government’s other efforts to address nursing shortages in the province.

“You got to train more, we’re training more,” Dix said. “You got to have more pathways to internationally educated nurses, we’re doing that.”

Read more: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-offering-bonuses-of-up-to-30k-to-attract-retain-nurses-1.6791595

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