B.C. COVID-19 response update

Press Release

April 15, 2020

VICTORIA – The COVID-19 situation in British Columbia is continually evolving, and the information below is current as of 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, 2020.


Total confirmed cases in B.C.: 1,561
New cases since April 14, 2020: 44
Hospitalized cases: 131
Intensive care: 59
COVID-19 related deaths: 75
Recovered: 955
Long-term care and assisted-living homes currently affected: 21

Confirmed cases by region:

Vancouver Coastal Health: 670
Fraser Health: 623
Island Health: 92
Interior Health: 146
Northern Health: 30

New provincial advice and measures:

NEW: State of emergency extended to continue B.C.’s COVID-19 response: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020EMBC0020-000697
NEW: Liquor store hours extended to protect seniors, most vulnerable: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020AG0031-000694
NEW: To improve travel for commercial truck drivers, the Government of B.C. is funding the installation of portable toilets at several commercial vehicle pull-outs, inspection stations and chain-up locations throughout the province: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020TRAN0056-000690

New federal measures:

NEW: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces expanded access to Canada Emergency Response Benefit and support for essential workers: https://pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2020/04/15/prime-minister-announces-expanded-access-canada-emergency-response
NEW: The Canada Border Services Agency announced the temporary reduction of service hours at certain low-traffic ports of entry along the Canada-United States land border today: https://www.canada.ca/en/border-services-agency/news/2020/04/covid-19–temporary-reduction-of-service-at-some-low-traffic-canadian-land-border-crossings.html
NEW: Government of Canada updates mandatory requirements for travellers entering Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2020/04/government-of-canada-updates-mandatory-requirements-for-travellers-entering-canada.html
NEW: Patty Hajdu, federal Minister of Health, launched a new portal dedicated to mental wellness on: https://canada.ca/coronavirus
And the Canada COVID-19 app: https://ca.thrive.health/covid19app/home
Read more: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2020/04/government-of-canada-connects-canadians-with-mental-wellness-supports-during-covid-190.html
NEW: To help limit the spread of COVID-19, Parks Canada suspends camping, group activities and events across the country until at least May 31, 2020: https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2020/04/to-help-limit-the-spread-of-covid-19-parks-canada-suspends-camping-group-activities-and-events-across-the-country-until-at-least-may-31-2020.html
NEW: Joint statement by Filomena Tassi, Minister of Labour, and leaders from labour and industry regarding support for workers and employers during the COVID-19 crisis: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2020/04/joint-statement-by-the-honourable-filomena-tassi-minister-of-labour-and-leaders-from-labour-and-industry-regarding-support-for-workers-and-employer.html
NEW: Expanding access to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and proposing a new wage boost for essential workers: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2020/04/expanding-access-to-the-canada-emergency-response-benefit-and-proposing-a-new-wage-boost-for-essential-workers.html
NEW: Government announces relief for federally regulated pension plan sponsors: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2020/04/government-announces-relief-for-federally-regulated-pension-plan-sponsors.html

Media availability schedule:

Upcoming scheduled media availabilities with Adrian Dix, B.C.’s Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer:
Thursday, April 16 – statement only (no media availability)
Friday, April 17 – 9:15 a.m. technical briefing on modelling; 11 a.m. media availability; 3 p.m. statement issued, Victoria
Saturday, April 18 – noon, Victoria


For provincial support and COVID-19 information, visit: www.gov.bc.ca/covid
For seniors looking for additional support at this time, call 211 or visit: http://www.bc211.ca/
For information for Indigenous peoples in B.C., visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/indigenous-people/covid19
If you or a family member need additional medical advice, call 811.


58,626 individuals have been tested as of April 14, 2020.
If symptoms appear, check your symptoms online: https://covid19.thrive.health
If needed, call your health-care provider or 811 for further guidance.

Learn More:

For the latest videos and livestreaming of COVID-19 media availabilities, visit:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BCProvincialGovernment/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ProvinceofBC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BCGovNews

For the latest medical updates, including case counts, prevention, risks and testing, visit: http://www.bccdc.ca/
Or follow @CDCofBC on Twitter.

For the provincial health officer’s orders, notices and guidance, visit: www.gov.bc.ca/phoguidance

For non-health related information, including financial, child care and education supports, travel, transportation and essential service information, visit: www.gov.bc.ca/Covid-19
Or call 1 888 COVID19 (1 888 268-4319) between 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m., seven days a week.

For recommendations on protecting yourself and your community, including for employers and businesses, visit:

For common questions about COVID-19 and terminology, visit:

Worker and employer information:

For workers and employers who need help understanding the law and their rights, have workplace heath and safety questions or who need help with claims, call:
Employment Standards Branch: 1 833 236-3700
For health and safety assistance: 1 888 621-7233 (1 888 621-SAFE)
For workers and claims: 1 888 967-5377 (1 888 WORKERS)

For non-medical information relating to COVID-19:
Visit: www.gov.bc.ca/COVID19
Email: servicebc@gov.bc.ca
Or call: 1 888 COVID-19

Joint Information Centre
COVID Provincial Co-ordination Plan
236 478-1336

Connect with the Province of B.C. at: news.gov.bc.ca/connect


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