B.C. announces record-breaking 1,293 new COVID-19 cases, 2 deaths – CBC

People 65 and older can now register for their vaccine appointment

Apr 08, 2021

B.C. has recorded 1,293 new COVID-19 cases, breaking a previously held single-day record.

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry also announced on Thursday that the province will no longer be sequencing all positive COVID-19 cases to determine whether they are variants of concern, and instead will be assuming that all positive cases are a highly infectious variant.

Henry said existing health measures remain the same regardless of what strain someone is infected with — but emphasized the need for everyone in B.C. to follow current restrictions on gatherings.

“It is not OK to have friends and family over right now. It is not OK to go on a weekend getaway. That is not essential — nor is your ski trip just because you have a pass. It is not OK to have a wedding, a birthday. All of these need to be postponed for now,” she said.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/covid-numbers-april8-1.5979936

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