B.C. abortion providers sound alarm over access, minister responds ‘fiercely’ – CTV

January 29, 2025

While abortion access has been the law of the land for decades, providers warn British Columbians have more challenges than ever accessing that health care, and funding challenges facing support agencies are likely to make access even harder.

Front-line providers and advocates describe patients travelling hours by car or plane to attend specialty clinics in Metro Vancouver, or struggling to find specially trained family doctors in their home communities to help manage their high-risk ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages and life circumstances leading them to seek termination of their pregnancy.

“Some people are traveling from Prince George, from all over the province, in order to come down to Vancouver for some of their care,” said Dr. Renee Hall, medical director of the Willow Reproductive Health Centre.

Travel expenses were often covered for those patients and others across the country by Abortion Care Canada, but this week supporters and affiliated care providers learned the group’s application for federal funding was denied, with Health Canada claiming there were too many applicants for the designated money.

Read more: https://www.ctvnews.ca/vancouver/article/bc-abortion-providers-sound-alarm-over-access-minister-responds-fiercely/

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