Press Release
01 September 2022
The Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and The Department of Health have confirmed the first case of avian influenza in Nunavut. The case was first detected in a live thick-billed murre on Coats Island during surveillance testing by the Canadian Wildlife Service on July 12, 2022.
To date, there have been detections of avian influenza in wild and/or domestic birds in all 10 provinces, the Yukon and widespread detections in the United States.
The risk of avian influenza infection in the general public is considered low. There is no evidence to suggest that the avian influenza virus can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of fully cooked game birds or eggs. In general, human cases of avian influenza are caused by close, prolonged contact with infected live or dead poultry or contaminated environments. While the risk of human infection with avian influenza viruses is low, individuals should always use basic hygienic precautions when handling wild birds.
Avian influenza or bird flu is a viral infection that is highly contagious among birds and is found in domestic poultry and wild birds including raptors, gulls, terns, shorebirds, ducks, geese, and swans. Signs that a bird may have avian influenza include:
Multiple dead birds in one location are a sign that the virus is present.
As many Nunavummiut actively engage in wild bird and egg harvesting, it is important to know the key precautions that should be taken to limit the spread of disease and minimize risk to people. Basic food safety measures the are recommended for hunters and other bird handlers to reduce the risk of illness and the spread of the virus include:
Guidance on best practices to reduce the risk of human infection has been developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the Government of Nunavut and can be accessed here.
If you notice any unusual death or illness in birds, contact your local conservation office. If you feel very sick after handling a bird, contact your local health centre. For more information, please refer to the Government of Canada’s website.
The Government of Nunavut will not continue reporting subsequent confirmed cases. Please visit the Government of Canada’s Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza tracker for live data on cases of avian influenza in Canada.
Media Contact:
Danarae Sommerville
Communications Specialist
Department of Health