As kids battle dread over climate change, she’s helping them navigate ‘healthy responses to a troubled world’ – The Star

February 22, 2024

CAMH’s Swelen Andari is working to roll out programs through Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario that use evidence-based measures to address climate anxiety in young people, and connect them to potential solutions.

Talking about climate change can be unsettling. Some of its challenges seem almost too big to comprehend. But there are things that can have a real impact. And climate “action” doesn’t always look like you think it might. In a limited series, the Star profiles Torontonians who are making grassroots contributions in their communities.

For years, Swelen Andari kept a boundary between her professional and personal lives.

In her work life, she held roles at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) that revolved around improving mental health services for young people. Trained as a creative arts therapist, she had always loved working with young people: “it’s a really special time, but it’s a vulnerable time.”

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