Announcement: Membership of the Reference Group for the Appropriate Review of Indigenous Research

Press Release

CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC welcome all members of the newly established tri-agency Reference Group for the Appropriate Review of Indigenous Research (Reference Group). Following an expression of interest process launch in early 2020, eighteen individuals have been selected to provide advice and guidance on the development and implementation of culturally appropriate review approaches and practices for research conducted by and with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Collectively, the appointees have a deep cultural understanding of Indigenous research and Indigenous Knowledges. They bring together the broad perspectives of youth, Knowledge Keepers and academics (at various career stages), as well as representation from First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples including northern, urban, and on-reserve realities, gender equity and geographic locations. The agencies and Indigenous communities across Canada will benefit from the diversity and collective wisdom of the Reference Group.

Formation of the Reference Group is an important step in implementing the agencies’ strategic plan: Setting new directions to support Indigenous research and research training in Canada: Strategic Plan 2019-2022. Co-developed with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples, the plan will guide development of new models of support of Indigenous research and research training in Canada. It reflects the agencies’ and the Canada Research Coordinating Committee’s (CRCC) commitment to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s call to establish a new relationship with Indigenous Peoples—one that creates a more equal society that respects the value of traditional knowledge systems and is based on mutual respect.


  • Myrle Ballard, University of Manitoba
  • Suzy Basile, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
  • Amber Bedard, University of Calgary
  • Aimée Craft, University of Ottawa
  • Catherine Dussault, Student, Quebec
  • Kimberly Fairman, Institute for Circumpolar Health Research
  • Heather Igloliorte, Concordia University
  • Lawrence Ignace, Yukon
  • Rebekah Jacques, Western University
  • Logan MacDonald, University of Waterloo
  • Georgina Martin, Vancouver Island University
  • Denise McDonald, University of Alberta
  • Lorrilee McGregor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine – Laurentian & Lakehead Universities
  • Julian Robbins, Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
  • Margaret Robinson, Dalhousie University
  • Raven Sinclair, University of Regina (Saskatoon Campus)
  • Suzanne Stewart, University of Toronto
  • Matthew Wildcat, University of Alberta


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