Press Release
THUNDER BAY (January 29, 2025) – The Anishinabek Nation and Thunder Bay District Health Unit launch the newly published book, Migizi and Giniw’s Important Journey: Niish Migizi Bimisewin, today in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
“We are so very excited to share this storybook with communities. It’s been a long time in the works,” expresses co-author Lynda Banning. “Thank you to the Elders who contributed to our project and who helped us to feel confident in the story being ‘Elder approved’.”
In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, the Anishinabek Nation and Thunder Bay District Health Unit have collaborated since 2010 to address public health and First Nations issues and developed resources and workshops for participants to include in their wellness bundles that promote intergenerational healing. Migizi and Giniw’s Important Journey: Niish Migizi Bimisewin is the most recent addition to this collection.
The book was written by project leaders Lynda Banning, FASD Regional Program Worker with the Anishinabek Nation and Lyne Soramaki, Public Health Nurse with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, with illustrations by Emery Tasheff, Media Specialist with the Anishinabek Nation.
Grand Council Chief Linda Debassige says that meaningful partnerships are important in all aspects of the work done for the Anishinabek Nation.
“It is very nice to see that this collaboration with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit has blossomed into a wonderful resource that can be shared with our youth,” says Grand Council Chief Debassige.
The story takes place on the traditional territory of Fort William First Nation and Anishinabek Nation and follows the journey of a bald eagle named Migizi (metaphorically representing the Anishinabek Nation), and a golden eagle named Giniw (metaphorically representing Thunder Bay District Health Unit), who venture off on a four-day journey to find out why the little animals in the Land of Nanabijou are getting sick. They meet many creatures who help them along their journey and share a teaching before returning home. The storybook is intended for intermediate readers in Grades 4-7; however, readers of all ages can enjoy the story with cultural themes including bravery, respect, humility, and pride.
“We are grateful to our workshop participants who have been our greatest teachers and have inspired characters in this fictional storybook,” shares Soramaki. “Our storybook is dedicated to those who work toward making positive changes in the lives of children and communities, and the children on their path to mino bimaadziwin (a good life).”
The story is inspired by participant experiences in the collaborative ‘Caring for Mother Earth’ project, which featured many eagle sightings during their travels to First Nations and communities across the region. Banning and Soramaki have been recognized nationally and been gifted a partnership spirit name by an Elder for their work: Niish Migizi Bimisewin (Two Eagles Flying).
The book had several contributors, including Elders who helped approve the story; First Nations and community groups that provided the backdrop to the story and inspired the fictional characters; and individuals who helped review and provide input during the writing process.
The book will be available to purchase online or by contacting Michelle Irvine, FASD Program Manager with the Anishinabek Nation:
Learn more about the Caring for Mother Earth Project (
The Anishinabek Nation is a political advocate for 39 member First Nations across Ontario, representing approximately 65,000 citizens. The Anishinabek Nation is the oldest political organization in Ontario and can trace its roots back to the Confederacy of Three Fires, which existed long before European contact.
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Laura Barrios
Communications Coordinator
Anishinabek Nation
Phone: 705-497-9127 ext. 2290
Hugh Mullally
Communications Coordinator
Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Phone: 807-625-7994