ANCFSAO Congratulates Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services on Designation as CAS


The Association of Native Child and Family
Services Agencies of Ontario

Toronto, ON, April 1, 2015 – The Association of Native Child and Family Service Agencies of Ontario (ANCFSAO) applauds the recent designation of Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services (KGCFS) as Ontario’s newest children’s aid society.

On March 27, 2015 the Honourable Tracy MacCharles, Minister of Children and Youth Services, announced that effective April 1, 2015 KGCFS is designated as a children’s aid society pursuant to subsection 15(2) of the Child and Family Services Act. The designation will result in KGCFS assuming child protection services for seven First Nation communities in the Manitoulin area.

Mr. Micheal Miller, ANCFSAO Board President stated, “On behalf of ANCFSAO and its members, I wish to congratulate and acknowledge this historic event. KGCFS has developed a unique and comprehensive First Nations service model that ensures culture and identity are at the heart of all the programming and services available to protect, care and support First Nations children and families. KGCFS is truly an example of community-control and self-determination.”

For the past 20 years KGCFS focused on providing prevention supports and services to First Nations children and families, with protection services provided by the Children’s Aid Society of the Districts of Sudbury and Manitoulin. As part of the designation process there is a transition phase that focuses on mentorship and capacity building before the transfer of jurisdiction for child protection services from one society to the next.

Mr. Steven Vanloffeld, Executive Director of ANCFSAO, commended the cooperation and collaboration between KGCFS and The Children’s Aid Society of the Districts of Sudbury and Manitoulin. “The process of transferring jurisdiction between societies is wrought with challenges and difficult decisions. The trust and relationship established between the two organizations ensured the best interest of First Nations children were put before all else. Their model of collaboration is one we can all learn from to improve outcomes for First Nations children.”

Ms. Denise Morrow, Executive Director of KGCFS stated, “the KGCFS Leadership, Board of Directors, agency team and First Nation communities have demonstrated perseverance in a collective effort to achieve the original Vision of KGCFS. This is a historical milestone for our member First Nations and agency. KGCFS will continue to honour and support our families’ and communities’ inherent authority to care for our children based on unity, traditions, values, beliefs and customs. The services within the integrated community model of protection and prevention services will ensure that children are protected and stay connected with their culture, language and community while strengthening family and community relationships.”

A formal designation celebration will take place on April 14, 2015 followed by two days of ceremonies on June 12 and 13, 2015.

Quick Facts

  • There are 47 children’s aid societies in Ontario, seven of which are Aboriginal
  • There are 5 Aboriginal agencies seeking designation in Ontario
  • Approximately 15 per cent of children in care in Ontario at any given time are Aboriginal


Incorporated in 1994, the ANCFSAO is mandated to build a better life for all Aboriginal children through promoting the culturally-based delivery of quality family services to Aboriginal people in Ontario. The ANCFSAO is a membership-based organization acts as a resource in assisting its member agencies toward the provision of quality Native child welfare and related services to Aboriginal people through education and training, policy development and analyses, and research and advocacy.

For more information:

​Denise Morrow
Executive Director
Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services
Telephone: (705) 859-2100

Steven Vanloffeld
Executive Director
Association of Native Child and Family Service Agencies of Ontario
Telephone: (647) 258-8305

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