All-Party Committee Examining Mental Health And Addiction Services

News Release

Committee Findings to Help Build Long Term Mental Health and Addiction Strategy

February 24, 2009


An all-party committee has been formed by the Ontario legislature to help develop ways to improve access to mental health and addiction services in the province.The Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions – with representatives from all three parties – will work with consumers/survivors, providers, experts and other interested parties to determine the mental health and addiction needs that currently exist. The committee is expected to issue a report in 2010 that will :

o Determine the mental health and addiction needs of children and young adults; First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples; and seniors
o Explore innovative approaches to delivering services in the community
o Identify ways to leverage existing opportunities and initiatives within the current mental health and addictions system.

The government has also established a Minister’s Advisory Group on Mental Health and Addictions made up of consumers, family members, providers and researchers from across the province. It includes a range of perspectives such as children and youth, aboriginal, workplace and women.

Input from both committees will be used to develop a long term strategy for mental health and addiction.

Investment in community mental health and addictions services will help to reduce ER visits and hospitalizations.


“It’s time to bring this important issue out of the shadows and shine a light on solutions that address the challenges being faced in the delivery of mental health and addiction services,” said Health and Long-Term Care Minister David Caplan. “The all-party select committee and the advisory group provide a wonderful opportunity to ensure the voices of people living with mental illness and addictions are heard and acted upon.”


o The Ontario government is providing $680 million for community mental health services in 2008/09.
o The government has allocated about $123 million to 150 substance abuse treatment programs in 2008/09.
o The government has allocated about $39 million to problem gambling treatment, prevention and research.


Find out more about mental health and addiction services in Ontario.

Backgrounder :
Improving Mental Health And Addiction Services

For further information :

Members of the media :
Steve Erwin, 416-326-3986
Minister’s Office

Andrew Morrison, 416-314-6197
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

For public inquiries call ServiceOntario, INFOline at 1-866-532-3161 (Toll-free in Ontario only)

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