Alberta’s vaccine passport will be in place into next year, Kenney says – CBC

Government app to read QR codes ready for businesses to use

Oct 12, 2021

A need to be “on our guard” through the winter means Alberta’s vaccine passport will be in place at least into early next year, Premier Jason Kenney said Tuesday, as he announced that a long-awaited app to scan proof-of-vaccination QR codes is now available.

“We are headed into an uncertain period,” Kenney told a news conference.

“Between weather, seasonal patterns, more indoor activity and the potential for waning protection, we don’t want to let down our guard — let’s say, in November, if we get out of this fourth wave — only to potentially face a Christmas spike or a winter spike.”

The AB COVID Records Verifier app is available for businesses and other organizations to download onto Apple and Android devices, Kenney said.

The app scans the QR code on enhanced vaccine records, which Albertans can obtain at by entering basic information including their provincial health-care number.

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