Alberta’s Family Resource Networks program gets extension – Rdnews Now

Apr 3, 2024

Albertans will soon benefit from having a greater access to family-related services.

The provincial government is proposing to add another $6.6 million in funding over two years for Family Resource Networks (FRNs), increasing their total budget to $66.7 million.

FRNs provide free programming for families such as workshops for young parents and caregivers, in-home supports, childhood development, mentorship, and life skills programming for youths.

Minister of Children and Family Services Searle Turton explains that the funding will help to ensure that Indigenous children and families have access to culturally-appropriate supports and services, that networks have the training and capacity to respond to the needs of LGBT2S+ and gender-diverse youths, and enhancing intensive services to meet the rising demands for these supports.

Turton adds that families deserve every opportunity to grow and thrive together.

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