Employees, contracted health-care providers have until Oct. 31 to be fully immunized
Aug 31, 2021
Alberta Health Services announced Tuesday it would require all employees and contracted health-care providers — including physicians — to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
“Health care workers have an ethical and professional responsibility to protect others, for many that is the driving force behind why they do what they do,” Dr. Verna Yiu said during Tuesday’s announcement.
“This necessary step is required to protect patients, vulnerable and immunocompromised Albertans and anyone who visits or works at any AHS site,” she added.
The policy applies to AHS, Alberta Precision Labs, Carewest, CapitalCare and Covenant Health workers, members of medical and midwifery staffs, students, volunteers and anyone acting on their behalf.
Contracted continuing care providers and health-care workers acting on AHS’ behalf all fall under the requirement.
Employees will have to get their second shot by Oct. 16 in order to be considered fully vaccinated by the end of October.