Alberta doctors, scientists say COVID-19 response report should be dismissed – CBC

Danielle Smith says variety of voices should be included in discussions about science

Jan 29, 2025

Dozens of Alberta scientists, doctors and researchers have penned an open letter calling on the Alberta government to reject the recommendations contained in its recently released pandemic response report.

The group, including experts in infectious disease, pediatrics, virology and immunology, says it is essential government policies are based on well-established scientific evidence, and it claims the task force misrepresents data.

“We collectively request that the ‘Alberta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response’ report … be officially dismissed for use as a source of information for both public and provincial policy, as it inaccurately reflects the body of scientific evidence,” the letter states.

It’s the latest group to speak out against the $2-million task force report, written for the provincial government and published on its website. The Alberta Medical Association has described the report as “anti-science” and “anti-evidence.”

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