A new urine test can detect bladder cancer up to 12 years before diagnosis: study – CTV

March 12, 2023

A simple urine test may be able to detect bladder cancer years before any symptoms show up due to genetic red flags, according to a new study.

Using only urine samples, an international team were able to predict the most common type of bladder cancer up to 12 years before diagnosis by searching for specific genetic mutations.

The study’s findings, presented Friday at the European Association of Urology’s annual congress in Milan, could revolutionize the way we diagnose bladder cancer, researchers say.

“Diagnosis of bladder cancer relies on expensive and invasive procedures such as cystoscopy, which involves inserting a camera into the bladder,” Dr. Florence Le Calvez-Kelm, a scientist with the International Agency for Research on Cancer and one of the authors behind the study, explained in a press release.

Read more: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/a-new-urine-test-can-detect-bladder-cancer-up-to-12-years-before-diagnosis-study-1.6309648

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