A.N.A.C. Addresses 2015 Budget Shortfalls


Ottawa, ON–April 23, 2015


The Aboriginal Nurses Association is expressing concern over the 2015 Federal Budget recently released, as it continues to grow inequities in our most vulnerable populations like the homeless and many Indigenous Peoples.

“The message is clear that the federal government’s values are grounded in a survival of the richest”  says Lisa Bourque Bearksin, President and an Indigenous Nurse.

With more than 150 million dollars going into celebrating Canada heritage rather than supporting the health of society’s members, this draws the conclusion that health is not as great a priority.

As outlined by the Federal government the focus on creating jobs and tax relief for families, as well as national security through its Bill C-51 legislation are important, without healthy people we do not have a healthy society. This lack of focus in health continues to perpetuate a widening gulf between Indigenous peoples in Canada and mainstream, in areas as lack of access to water, housing, education and improved health care service delivery.

The Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada is adding its voice in calling for changes to these disparities. “It is time that all Canadians to demand action to address the disparities” says Bourque Bearskin.

The A.N.A.C. believes the status quo is not acceptable changing times require changing mandates and  fiscal responsibilities and commitments that are not addressed in this inequity budget.

The Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada, now celebrating 40 years in existence is the longest serving Indigenous health professional organization in Canada.


For more information, please call R. Lisa Bourque Bearskin, President, A.N.A.C., at (780) 690-9517 or  send an e-mail to rlbourque@shaw.ca.

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