Jun 18, 2019
Treaty One Territory, Winnipeg, MB – Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. (MKO) is working with Vale to ensure the safety of citizens living in Thompson.
Media reports are sharing that one of six active mines run by Vale in the Thompson has a “very high” hazard rating. A collapse of the dam would bring significant damage.
“MKO is concerned about the safety of the mine in Thompson, however, we are assured through our partnership with Vale. We know the company is working to protect the safety of citizens, our land, and our waterways,” stated Grand Chief Garrison Settee. “We will continue to work closely with Vale to do what we can to protect the well-being of our neighbours in Thompson.”
Thompson is located in the ancestral territory of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, one of MKO’s member First Nations.