25 in 5 Urges Four Priorities for Action in 2011 Budget

February 4, 2011

Putting poverty reduction on hold during an economic slowdown only makes income inequality worse – and inequality had already reached new heights before the global recession weakened Ontario’s economy.

The economy is on the mend, but recovery remains fragile. The threat of Ontario dipping back into a slowdown is very real. Ontario faces a serious challenge in creating a healthy economy sustained by good paying, secure, equitably accessible jobs to replace the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost in the last decade.To make Ontario a prosperous jurisdiction in a competitive global context will take a substantial investment by the public for the public. Ontario will pay a steep price if we take a political road that favours some Ontarians while leaving others behind. We will pay a steep price if we allow a generation of formidable minds to waste away on the sidelines.

In the coming budget, Ontarians are looking to their provincial government to implement and fund smart policies that achieve four core goals during this next period of economic recovery.

Click here to download the 25 in 5 Prebudget Submission for 2011, “Building a Resilient Ontario: From Poverty Reduction to Economic Opportunity”

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