14th International Congress on Circumpolar Health

Yellowknife, July 7 – The 14th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, Securing the IPY Legacy: From Research to Action will be held in Yellowknife Northwest Territories Canada, July 11-16 2009.The event will attract over 650 health care workers, decision-makers and researchers from circumpolar countries to Yellowknife, NWT. This included USA, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Greenland/Denmark, Canada and Iceland. The event will be opened by the Hon. Leona Aglukkaq Federal Minister of Health and the Hon Sandy Lee Minister of Health for the Northwest Territories. Other dignitaries include Chief Bill Erasmus, Dene National Chief, Edward Sangris Chief Yellowknife Dene, David Butler Jones, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and Malcolm King the Scientific Director with the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. The program can be downloaded at www.icch2009.com Please click on “schedule” on the homepage.

The Congress will follow the conclusion of the International Polar Year (IPY) making it an ideal vehicle for sharing of IPY findings as well as health research taking place throughout the circumpolar region. ICCH(14) is being co-hosted and organized by the Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health in association with the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research.

In addition to the congress a number of like-minded researchers and/or organizations will also host meetings and workshops during congress week. This includes Public Health Associations, Arctic Council groups, International Union for Circumpolar Health and other associations engaged in health services and research.

For further information: Susan Chatwood, Institute for Circumpolar Health at (867) 873-9337 or icch14@theedge.ca or susan.chatwood@ichr.ca

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