10,000 Canadians were asked how to improve health care. Here’s what they said – The Star

Feb. 26, 2024

The OurCare project surveyed people on their access to a family doctor or nurse practitioner and asked what matters most when reforming primary care.

Amid a nationwide health-care crisis, a group of Toronto-led researchers has criss-crossed the country to hear how Canadians would fix primary care, the front door of the health system.

The OurCare project — the largest initiative of its kind — surveyed close to 10,000 people from across Canada to see whether they had access to a family doctor or nurse practitioner and ask what matters most when reforming primary care.

The researchers met with more than 150 people in five provinces for in-depth discussions on the challenges facing primary care, each panel coming up with patient-led solutions.

Read More: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/10-000-canadians-were-asked-how-to-improve-health-care-heres-what-they-said/article_e0e5ce24-d265-11ee-bb19-efff77dde9fa.html

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